Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Grow Up!

Dear roommates,
I am so sick of you leaving our house a mess. You never clean up after yourselves, there are always dirty dishes in the sink, beer cans everywhere, weed and your pieces on our table, cigarette butts ashed into a cup of water on our kitchen table, our bathroom is a disaster, no one ever takes the trash out, and you leave things all over the house and expect people to clean up after you. I understand that one of you has a job and you don't have much time between that and school to clean up, but at least try to do your part. On top of that, be respectful of others when you live with people who don't enjoy your habits and know you are using communal space like an asshole. On top of that, stop being two-faced and being so nice to people to their face, and then talking about them behind their backs. We are in college, not middle school. GROW UP. I know what you say about me, both of you, and you don't realize it. If I am being cold, its because I don't like you and I don't fake to either. I think that you guys are secretly lovers and that's why you hate me because I am not into it. I know, crazy, but you guys weird me out. I really hope that you each find your own man and stop hanging on mine, or at least try because I am sick of seeing it. Oh, and I know you made out with him while I was abroad. He told me. Real nice, friend. I don't care how drunk you are, you know who your roommate is dating, and you know that there are many other guys around that you could have chosen form but you chose mine. Good work, you'll never find a man if you don't stop hanging all over someone everyone else's men. I am counting down the days until I move out and get my own place, and I hope that you can function in the dirt hole you will encompass next year.

The girl 'that really sucks' and has an obnoxious laugh


marymorgan said...

i swear i could have written this....I FEEL YOU.

R E D said...

Wow feels like you spoke exactly what I thought while living in Leeds with british lads during my Erasmus year. Thank you!!!
